93420 68066
Advanced Male and Female Infertility Centre

Advanced Male and Female Infertility Centre

Infertility is no longer

an issue

Confront infertility and take the first steps toward parenthood with our advanced solutions for both male and female infertility.

Vaishnavi Fertility Centre Ambattur: Pioneering Advanced Solutions for Male and Female Infertility, Welcome to Vaishnavi Fertility Centre in Ambattur, where we specialize in providing cutting-edge solutions for both male and female infertility. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to helping you on your journey towards parenthood. With state-of-the-art facilities and a patient-centric approach, we aim to address infertility issues comprehensively, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Discover real stories of couples who achieved their dream of parenthood with the help of Vaishnavi Fertility Centre. Their testimonials speak to our commitment to delivering positive outcomes.

Contact Us: If you're ready to take the next step in your journey towards parenthood or have questions about our services, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our compassionate team is here to assist you every step of the way.

Male Infertility Solutions

Semen Analysis: We offer comprehensive semen analysis to evaluate sperm count, motility, and morphology.

Advanced Sperm Retrieval Techniques: For cases of obstructive azoospermia, we provide advanced surgical techniques for sperm retrieval.

Male Hormonal Evaluation: A thorough assessment of male hormonal profiles to identify and address any underlying issues.

Female Infertility Treatments

Ovulation Induction: Tailored treatment plans to stimulate and regulate ovulation.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): A minimally invasive procedure to enhance the chances of conception.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Our IVF expertise can help overcome various fertility challenges.

Egg Freezing: A solution for preserving fertility or delaying pregnancy for medical or personal reasons.

Endoscopic Procedures: Minimally invasive surgeries to address conditions such as PCOS, fibroids, and endometriosis.

Why Choose Vaishnavi Fertility Centre?

Experienced Team: Our team of skilled doctors and embryologists are well-versed in the latest fertility treatments.

Advanced Technology: We utilize the latest advancements in assisted reproductive techniques.

Personalized Care: Each patient receives an individualized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs.

Supportive Environment: We understand the emotional challenges of infertility and offer emotional support throughout your journey.

Transparent Approach: We believe in transparent communication about your treatment options, success rates, and costs.

Infertility Solutions


Frequently asked questions
  • Learn about the common factors that contribute to infertility in both men and women.

  • Explore the range of diagnostic and treatment options available for male fertility issues.

  • Understand the fertility treatments and procedures offered for female reproductive challenges.

  • Find out how to book an appointment with our expert fertility specialists.

  • Discover information about the costs associated with various fertility treatments and any available financing options.

  • Read real-life success stories from our patients who have achieved parenthood through our treatments.