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Surrogacy Programme

Surrogacy Programme

Welcome to Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur, where we understand the unique and complex fertility challenges that some couples and individuals face. Our Surrogacy Programme is designed to offer hope and a path to parenthood for those who may not be able to carry a pregnancy themselves. With the guidance of our experienced team, we aim to make the surrogacy journey as smooth and successful as possible.

Understanding Surrogacy: Surrogacy is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) option in which a woman, known as the surrogate, carries and gives birth to a baby on behalf of intended parents who are unable to do so themselves. Surrogacy can be a viable solution for various reasons, including medical conditions, previous pregnancy complications, or same-sex couples who wish to have a genetic connection to their child.

IVF Surrogacy

IVF Surrogacy, often referred to as gestational surrogacy, is an advanced fertility treatment option that enables individuals or couples to have a child when they are unable to do so naturally or with traditional assisted reproductive technologies. In this process, a gestational surrogate, who is not biologically related to the child, carries the pregnancy to term on behalf of the intended parents.

Surrogacy with Donor Eggs

Surrogacy with donor eggs is an assisted reproductive method that allows individuals or couples to have a child when the intended mother is unable to use her own eggs for pregnancy. In this process, a gestational surrogate, who carries the pregnancy, is used along with donated eggs from an egg donor. The gestational surrogate is not biologically related to the child, as her role is to carry and nurture the pregnancy for the intended parents.

Medical Tests for The Surrogate

  • General Health Screening
  • Hepatitis B and C, HIV, and Syphilis testing
  • Blood sugars
  • Profile of Hormones
  • Chest X-ray, ECG
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) to outline the uterine cavity
  • ECHO cardiogram
  • Anaesthetic fitness
  • Medical tests for a surrogate are a crucial aspect of the surrogacy process. They are conducted to ensure the surrogate's overall health, reproductive capability, and suitability for carrying a pregnancy. These tests are typically performed as part of a comprehensive medical evaluation by a fertility clinic or reproductive specialist.

    Surrogacy with Donor Eggs in chennai


    Frequently asked questions
    • Our Surrogacy Programme involves a gestational surrogate carrying a child for intended parents using either their own or donor embryos. We provide comprehensive support throughout the process.

    • We carefully select surrogates through a rigorous screening process, including medical and psychological evaluations, to ensure they are physically and emotionally prepared for surrogacy.

    • The surrogacy process may involve in vitro fertilization (IVF), where embryos are created using the intended parents' or donor gametes and then transferred into the surrogate's uterus.

    • You can use your own embryos or choose to use donor eggs or sperm, depending on your specific circumstances and preferences.

    • Our program is committed to transparency, and we can provide you with up-to-date success rate information and discuss how these rates may apply to your specific situation.

    • Our Surrogacy Programme is distinguished by its personalized care, legal protection, and emotional support, all designed to make your surrogacy journey as smooth and successful as possible.