93420 68066
breast health care in Ambattur

Breast Health Clinic

Welcome to Vaishnavi Fertility Centre Ambattur, your best choice for comprehensive breast health care in Ambattur. Our dedicated team of medical professionals is committed to ensuring your breast health and well-being. We understand the importance of early detection, prevention, and compassionate care when it comes to breast health.

Our Approach to Breast Health: At Vaishnavi Fertility Centre Ambattur, we believe in a holistic approach to breast health, which includes regular screenings, education, and expert medical care. Our breast health services cover a range of areas to address your unique needs:

Breast Screenings: Early detection is key in the fight against breast cancer. We offer state-of-the-art breast screenings, including mammograms, ultrasounds, and breast MRI, to help identify potential issues at their earliest, most treatable stages.

Education and Awareness Knowledge is a powerful tool in maintaining breast health. We provide educational resources, support, and guidance to help you understand your breast health and make informed decisions.

Preventive Care Prevention is always better than a cure. Our medical experts offer guidance on lifestyle changes, including nutrition and exercise, to reduce your risk of breast-related concerns.

Diagnostic Services If you have concerns about your breast health, our clinic offers a range of diagnostic services, such as breast biopsies and fine-needle aspirations, to provide accurate and timely answers.

Expert Consultations Our experienced and compassionate medical team is here to address your questions and concerns. We work with you to develop a personalized breast health plan tailored to your unique needs.

Support and Counselling Facing breast health challenges can be emotionally challenging. Our clinic provides supportive counseling services to help you navigate the emotional aspects of your journey.


Frequently asked questions
  • At Vaishnavi Fertility Centre Ambattur's Breast Health Clinic, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including breast screenings (mammograms, ultrasounds, and breast MRI), education and awareness programs, preventive care guidance, diagnostic services (biopsies and fine-needle aspirations), expert consultations, and emotional support.

  • The frequency of breast screenings can vary based on your age, family history, and risk factors. Generally, it's recommended for women to have an annual mammogram starting at age 40. However, we provide personalized recommendations after considering your unique circumstances during your consultation.

  • During a mammogram, you'll stand in front of an X-ray machine, and your breast will be compressed briefly to capture images. Ultrasounds and breast MRI are non-invasive procedures. Our expert staff will guide you through each step, ensuring your comfort and well-being.

  • If you discover a lump or have concerns about changes in your breast, it's essential to schedule an appointment with us promptly. We provide diagnostic services to assess your condition and offer support and guidance based on the results.

  • While breast cancer is more common in women, men can also develop breast-related issues. It's crucial for everyone to be aware of their breast health and seek medical attention if any concerns arise.

  • Preventing breast health issues involves a combination of regular screenings, maintaining a healthy lifestyle (including a balanced diet and exercise), and avoiding known risk factors like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Our clinic offers guidance on preventive measures to help reduce your risk.