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Embryo Donor Fertility Centre Ambattur

Embryo Donor Fertility Centre Ambattur

Welcome to Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur, where we take immense pride in being one of Chennai's leading centers for Embryo Donation. We understand that building a family can be a complex journey, and we're here to offer compassionate and comprehensive solutions to individuals and couples seeking to expand their families through embryo donation.

What is Embryo Donation?

Embryo donation is a remarkable assisted reproductive technology (ART) option that allows individuals or couples to receive donated embryos to achieve pregnancy. This method is a beacon of hope for those who may have struggled with infertility or other reproductive challenges and are now on the path to parenthood.

Confidentiality and Ethics: Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards and strict confidentiality in all aspects of embryo donation. Your privacy and emotional well-being are our top priorities.

Your Path to Parenthood Starts Here: Embryo donation can be a life-changing opportunity for those in need of a helping hand on their journey to parenthood. At Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur, we are dedicated to supporting your dream of starting or expanding your family through our trusted and compassionate embryo donation services.

What is the Embryo Donation Process?

Embryo donation is a remarkable assisted reproductive technology (ART) that provides an avenue to parenthood for individuals or couples facing infertility or other reproductive challenges. This process involves the generous act of donating embryos by one couple or individual to another, enabling the recipient to achieve a successful pregnancy and fulfill their dream of becoming parents. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the embryo donation process, exploring each step and the emotional journey it entails.

Who receives donated embryos?

Donated embryos are typically received by individuals or couples who are facing fertility challenges or reproductive difficulties and are unable to conceive using their own eggs and sperm.

Understanding the Donor Egg Programme:

The Donor Egg Programme is a groundbreaking and highly effective assisted reproductive technology (ART) that involves the use of donor eggs to achieve a successful pregnancy. This programme is particularly valuable for individuals and couples who may have faced multiple fertility treatments or issues related to egg quality and quantity.


Frequently asked questions
  • Embryo donor fertility at VFC Ambattur is a program that provides individuals or couples with the opportunity to receive donated embryos from generous donors to help them achieve a successful pregnancy and fulfill their dream of becoming parents.

  • The program involves matching recipients with suitable donated embryos, followed by the embryo transfer into the recipient's uterus. The process is carefully monitored and supported by our experienced team of fertility specialists.

  • Individuals or couples who have faced fertility challenges, including issues with egg quality and quantity, may be suitable candidates for the program. We conduct thorough assessments during an initial consultation to determine eligibility.

  • The program involves complex emotions and ethical considerations for both donors and recipients. Decisions may include whether to have an open relationship with the donors and how to address the topic with the child in the future.

  • To begin your journey, you can contact our clinic to schedule an initial consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss your unique situation, answer any questions you may have, and determine the best path forward.

  • VFC Ambattur prioritizes patient confidentiality and strictly adheres to privacy policies to protect your personal and medical information at all times.