93420 68066

Cytoplasmic Transfer Centre

Cytoplasmic Transfer: Enhancing Fertility with Cutting-Edge Technology. At Vaishanavi Fertility Centre, we are committed to providing the latest and most advanced fertility treatments to help you achieve your dream of parenthood. Cytoplasmic Transfer is one such cutting-edge technology that we offer, aimed at increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

What is Cytoplasmic Transfer?

Cytoplasmic Transfer is an innovative assisted reproductive technique designed to improve the quality of eggs by transferring a small amount of cytoplasm from a donor egg into the patient's own egg. Cytoplasm, the gel-like substance within an egg, plays a vital role in the development and division of the embryo.

Who Can Benefit from Cytoplasmic Transfer?

Cytoplasmic Transfer can be especially beneficial for women who:

  • Have poor egg quality.
  • Have experienced multiple failed IVF cycles.
  • Are of advanced maternal age.
  • Have a history of recurrent miscarriages.
  • Have eggs with compromised cytoplasmic quality.
  • How Does the Cytoplasmic Transfer Procedure Work?

    Donor Egg Selection: A healthy donor egg with excellent cytoplasmic quality is carefully chosen.

    Egg Retrieval: Both the patient's egg and the donor egg are retrieved during an egg retrieval procedure.

    Cytoplasmic Transfer: A small portion of the donor egg's cytoplasm is carefully transferred into the patient's egg. This can enhance the egg's developmental potential.

    Fertilization: The treated egg is fertilized using the partner's or donor sperm.

    Embryo Transfer: Once the embryo(s) develop, they are transferred into the patient's uterus during an embryo transfer procedure.

    Why Choose Vaishanavi Fertility Centre for Cytoplasmic Transfer?

  • Experienced Team: Our expert fertility specialists and embryologists have extensive experience in performing Cytoplasmic Transfer and other advanced fertility treatments.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: We are equipped with the latest technology and a state-of-the-art laboratory to ensure the highest success rates.
  • Personalized Care: We understand that each patient's journey is unique, and we provide personalized treatment plans to meet your specific needs.
  • Supportive Environment: We offer a compassionate and supportive environment to make your fertility journey as stress-free as possible.
  • F.A.Q

    Frequently asked questions
    • Cytoplasmic Transfer is an advanced fertility technique that involves transferring a small portion of cytoplasm from a donor egg into a patient's own egg to improve its quality.

    • Candidates include women with poor egg quality, recurrent IVF failures, advanced maternal age, a history of recurrent miscarriages, or eggs with compromised cytoplasmic quality.

    • By enhancing the cytoplasmic quality of the patient's eggs, the chances of successful fertilization and embryo development are increased.

    • Treatment costs can vary based on individual needs. We will provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of expenses during your consultation.

    • To get started, contact us to schedule a consultation with our fertility experts, who will assess your needs and guide you through the process.

    • Yes, at Vaishanavi Fertility Centre, we understand the emotional challenges of fertility treatment. We provide a supportive and compassionate environment to help you throughout your journey.