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Endometrial Receptivity Array

Endometrial Receptivity Array

Unlocking the Potential of

Your Parenthood Journey

At Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur, we understand that the road to parenthood can be filled with challenges, and we are here to offer you advanced solutions to maximize your chances of success. Our Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) service is a groundbreaking tool designed to revolutionize your fertility journey, offering you a precise and personalized approach to enhance your chances of conception.

What Is Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA)?

The Endometrial Receptivity Array is a cutting-edge diagnostic tool that evaluates the receptivity of the uterine lining (endometrium) to embryo implantation. It provides a deeper understanding of the ideal timing for embryo transfer, ensuring that the embryo is placed in the most favorable environment for successful implantation and a healthy pregnancy.

The ERA Process - Endometrial Receptivity Array

Consultation: We begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your medical history, goals, and concerns.

Endometrial Biopsy: A small sample of your endometrial tissue is collected during a painless and quick procedure.

Laboratory Analysis: The sample is analyzed in our advanced laboratory to determine the optimal window for embryo transfer.

Customized Treatment: Based on the results, we will develop a personalized embryo transfer schedule for you.

Your Journey to Parenthood Begins Here

The Endometrial Receptivity Array at Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur is a game-changer in the world of fertility treatment. By analyzing the timing of embryo transfer, we help ensure that your parenthood journey is as smooth and successful as possible.

Take the next step towards building your family with confidence and precision. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and embark on your path to parenthood with the guidance of the experts at Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur. Your dream of becoming a parent is closer than you think.

Endometrial Receptivity Array


Frequently asked questions
  • The ERA is a diagnostic test that assesses the receptivity of the uterine lining to embryo implantation, helping to determine the optimal time for embryo transfer during fertility treatment.

  • The ERA ensures that the embryo is placed in the most receptive uterine environment, increasing the chances of successful implantation and pregnancy.

  • The results are usually available within a few weeks, and our team will discuss them with you during a follow-up consultation.

  • Yes, the ERA is highly personalized, and the results guide the timing of your embryo transfer for a tailored approach.

  • Contact our center to schedule a consultation with our experts who will guide you through the process.

  • The ERA helps optimize the timing of embryo transfer, increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. Success rates can vary based on individual factors but are significantly improved with a personalized approach.