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Embryo Transfer in Chennai

Embryo Transfer

Welcome to Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur, where we are dedicated to providing the highest level of care and expertise in embryo transfer, making us the best hospital for embryo transfer in Chennai. Our commitment to your dreams of parenthood drives us to offer advanced and compassionate services to help you achieve your family goals.

What Is Embryo Transfer?

Embryo transfer is a pivotal step in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process, where the carefully selected embryos are placed into the woman's uterus to establish pregnancy. Our skilled fertility specialists ensure that this procedure is carried out with precision, care, and attention to detail.

Why Choose Us?

At Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur, we believe that successful embryo transfer is a result of not only advanced medical techniques but also the compassion and support we provide to our patients. Your journey toward parenthood is our priority, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to make your dream a reality.

Ready to take the next step in your fertility journey? Contact Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur today to schedule a consultation with our fertility experts. We look forward to being a part of your path to parenthood.

Embryo Transfer Procedure - VFC Ambattur

The embryo transfer procedure at Vaishanavi Fertility Centre Ambattur is a critical and delicate step in your fertility treatment journey, specifically in the context of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Our expert medical team ensures that the process is performed with the utmost precision and care.

Embryo Selection: Before the transfer, our team collaborates with you to select the best-quality embryos from your IVF cycle. These embryos are carefully cultured and monitored to assess their development.

Timing: Timing is crucial for a successful embryo transfer. It is scheduled to coincide with your menstrual cycle to optimize the chances of implantation.

Preparation: You may be advised to have a full bladder before the procedure, as it can help facilitate the transfer process by allowing for better visualization of the uterus.

Procedure Room: The embryo transfer is performed in a specialized procedure room within our state-of-the-art facility.

Minimal Discomfort: Embryo transfer is generally a quick and minimally invasive procedure. Anesthesia is typically not required, and the process is not painful. It is common for patients to feel minimal discomfort, akin to a regular pelvic examination.

Ultrasound Guidance: During the procedure, our medical team will use ultrasound guidance to ensure precise placement of the embryos into the uterus. This allows for greater accuracy and increases the likelihood of successful implantation.

Embryo Transfer Catheter: The embryos are placed into a thin, flexible catheter. This catheter is gently inserted through the cervix and into the uterus, where the embryos are carefully released.

Post-Procedure Rest: After the embryo transfer, you will be advised to rest for a short period, typically for around 30 minutes, in order to allow the embryos the best opportunity to attach to the uterine lining.

Support and Guidance: Our medical team provides guidance and support after the procedure, answering any questions you may have. We will discuss the next steps in your fertility journey, including the timeline for a pregnancy test.

Pregnancy Test: A pregnancy test is typically scheduled approximately 10-14 days after the embryo transfer to determine if the procedure was successful.


Frequently asked questions
  • Embryo transfer is a critical step in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process, where carefully selected embryos are placed into the woman's uterus to establish pregnancy. The procedure is performed with precision and guidance using ultrasound.

  • Our experienced medical team collaborates with patients to select the best-quality embryos from the IVF cycle. These embryos are cultured and monitored for their development.

  • The procedure is generally not painful. Some patients may experience minimal discomfort, but it is typically well-tolerated.

  • Ultrasound guidance is used to ensure the precise placement of embryos into the uterus, increasing the likelihood of successful implantation.

  • A pregnancy test is typically scheduled approximately 10-14 days after the embryo transfer to determine if the procedure was successful.

  • You can schedule an embryo transfer procedure by contacting our clinic and booking a consultation with our fertility specialists. They will guide you through the entire process and answer any additional questions you may have.